Paschal is a Director of AVS and is Managing Director of Paschal McCarthy Management & Consultancy Services.
Paschal is President of the Irish Exporters Association.
A Science Graduate of NUIG, Paschal holds an MBA from NUIG and a Diploma in Corporate Governance from the Institute of Directors (London), Paschal is also a Chartered Director.
Paschal has spent 35 years in Management in the Pharmaceutical industry in Ireland with Baxter Healthcare, Schering Plough, Nycomed Ireland, Amersham Health and laterally General Electric Healthcare (GEHC). The latter three companies being one and the same entity with differing ownerships. For the last 19 years of his career Paschal was Managing Director culminating in GEHC, a company of in excess of 600 employees exporting pharmaceutical product to 85 countries at a sales value of ca. $750 million.
Telephone: +3535841721
LinkedIn: paschal-mccarthy-223a3a3